Restoring the Family Altar

Family Transformation

Restoring the Family Altar

Restoring the Family Altar 150 150 Fusion Ministries
Does your family need a spiritual breakthrough?

God is jealous for our families. He wants to invade our space – occupy our living rooms and turn up the spiritual thermostat of our homes!  God is longing to restore the place of prayer and worship in our families and give the Holy Spirit opportunity to change our lives forever!

We are living in a day of rapid disintegration of Biblical, foundational family structure and values. Our society, at almost every level, is undermining traditional marriage and family. The media, laws, educational institutions, entertainment industry and other spheres of society are being used by the enemy to destroy families at an alarming rate.

In addition to the external and visible war, addictions, abuse, immorality and a host of other enemies are confronting families in unprecedented ways. In other words, the family is being hit from every direction – we are in a war – both outside and inside the home.    In addition to the external and visible war, addictions, abuse, immorality and a host of other enemies are confronting families in unprecedented ways. In other words, the family is being hit from every direction – we are in a war – both outside and inside the home.

Families are central to God’s heart and His ministry on the earth. The family is also the foundation of our society. That’s why the warfare is so focused and intense against the family. If the enemy can destroy the family, he can destroy the nation.

What has caused such tremendous opportunity for the enemy to bring destruction to homes?  While there are many contributing factors the enemy exploits for his purposes, there is a central issue that must be addressed – the disconnect of the family from the protective presence of Jesus in the home.

God’s intention for every family is that He be the centerpiece, the sustaining focus, and protective presence. When devotion to Jesus Christ, the Cornerstone, is no longer the priority of the family, the family becomes focused on themselves. The family then becomes a group of individuals seeking their own purposes and selfish ambitions. As the family becomes more and more fragmented, the influence of the world grows and the enemy is able to infiltrate and bring destruction.

In light of the multitude of crises facing our families, neighborhoods, communities and nation, the wisest thing we can do as believers is to rebuild the altar of worship in our homes, with our families, until our homes become a place of His light and presence – a resting place for God Himself. Without Him we have no hope.

The Lord wants to restore the central responsibility of spiritual discipleship to the family home. He wants to restore the altars of worship and His presence among us, not first in reviving the community, but beginning with revival in our homes and our hearts.

Restoring the family altar of worship and prayer heals the fragmentation of relationship both with the Lord and with one another. If we want our hearts, lives and families to change, then we must commit ourselves to restore the rulership and protection of Jesus Christ in our homes. As our homes our healed and revived, our nation will be impacted.

And in Him whom you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit.” (Eph. 2:22)