Ministry Offered


These are 1-2 day gatherings that serve to cast vision for transformation, provide helpful definition of what we are seeking and encouraging testimony of the reality of transformation based on our personal experience. The seminar help establish the transformation in the hearts and minds of the congregations participating in the process. Foundational principles are taught, testimonies shared to build faith and for helping a community become attractive to God’s presence following the divine “prescription” in 2 Chron.7:14 and discuss the critical role of personal intimacy with Jesus  in that process. The seminars also establish Biblical principles and theology of the Kingdom of God related to revival and transformation of communities.

The weekend seminars are helpful periodically during the journey toward transformation. Depending upon where the community is on the road to transformation, various Biblical messages are taught to strengthen and encourage the congregations as they move forward together with the Lord. God’s word IS a light onto our path! We want to depend upon it in every stage of the transformation process!

Leadership Consultation & Coaching

By invitation I am presently serving a number of communities by providing strategic consultation to leaders who are seeking the Lord together for revival and transformation of their community. These consultations address foundational principles of presence-based transformation, the role of consecration and practical issues of building a team with Kingdom values to pursue transformation together.

The purpose is to build relationship with the leaders and community to encourage them on the journey and serve them as they move forward toward transformation. The consultation process is beneficial on the beginning of the journey to set the foundation, vision and strategy and along the journey to bring fresh hope, testimony and encouragement.

Transformation Process

As a community moves forward on the journey to transformation by intentionally preparing for God’s presence, simple steps in the process of transformation can be incorporated into the new rhythm of the unified, praying Church. These steps follow the transformation process we see God revealing in the transformation occurring in the nations today. God’s ways transcend culture, geography and generations. His word and His ways work everywhere and every time. This divine “prescription” for transformation is 2 Chron 7:14, consecration of the Body of Christ becomes the critical major step forward into the transformation process. As the new root system grows and deepens in the leaders and the congregations further strategies of restoring God’s presence in families, worship and prayer, neighborhood impact etc. can be engaged in. Our most exciting transformation testimony occurring in the United States is in Hazy Hollow (suburb north of Houston, TX).

Click here for the testimony of Hazy Hollow and other communities we have engaged in the transformation process.