Amazing Highlights!

Amazing Highlights!

Amazing Highlights! 150 150 Fusion Norway

“I just want to say the prayers are working in Winchester. I worked four days this week and the call radio was silent! All the guys at work are shocked by the silent radio.”
– Police officer, Winchester, Virginia

“An 8-yr old boy came forward and prayed “Jesus forgive me for watching movies that give me nightmares please take away my nightmares”. On the final night he brought a plastic bag to the altar filled with movies that had given him nightmares and said “I’m giving them to Jesus”.”
– Washington D.C.

“One night, two ladies, both blind took the Metro to come to the prayer meeting. They met a woman on their way and convinced her to join them! She came to the meeting and gave her heart back to Jesus! She stood in front of the cross and said “Lord, I’ve heard about the ‘blind leading the blind’ but here I am!  She rededicated her heart to the Lord!”
– Washington D.C.

“God delivered my husband from drugs and healed my spirit from fear and rejection, this month!!
– Benne, Washington D.C.

“One of the biggest testimonies we are hearing consistently is change happening in the hearts of church leadership. The Lord is bringing them back to their first love and they are hearing His voice stronger and more clearly than before.”
– Terre Haute, Indiana

“Baptists were standing next to the Christian Church members, next to the Charismatics, next to the Community church crowd.  It didn’t matter…we were here to seek the face of the Lord as the Church of Terre Haute.  Wonderful…”
– Marvin Adams, Terre Haute, Indiana

“Last night,  a young lady she met with the Pastor.  He simply asked what she would like to talk about.  She burst out in tears and shared that she needed and wanted to accept Christ.  This Pastor was amazingly humbled as this young lady accepted Christ.  He was so humbled because this young lady seemed to be working out her own salvation between her and the Lord and that Pastor was blessed to just get to witness it happening.”
– Terre Haute, Indiana

“We are hearing multiple testimonies of healed hearts.  One gentleman was recently given news that he would require surgery to repair his heart.  The initial tests clearly showed a problem that required surgery.  When they went to perform the final tests pre-surgery, they showed that his heart was completely normal and healthy.

– Terre Haute, Indiana

“After praying and repenting for not giving our son the attention he needed and the lack of teaching him about the Bible, we asked and gave our son to God. Two days later our son cried out to God asking for forgiveness and accepted Jesus into his heart”
– Rich & Lisa, Pinehurst, Texas

My husband gave his life to Jesus, 2 nights ago!!!!  Our family and friends have prayed for him for about 29 years.
– Peoria, Illinois

A man who felt God asking him to give up his R&B collection, and he said no. Anything else, but not that. When the man finally relented and brought his R&B collection to the altar, his prodigal daughter showed up in church and came forward to return her life to the Lord!
– Peoria, Illinois

There was a man who was almost completely healed one night of chronic back pain, and he woke up the next morning completely healed”.
– Peoria, Illinois

“I feel in touch with God at every moment of my day.”
– AG, Brownsville, Texas

“A 6-year old boy was diagnosed with the hearing of a 70 year old man. During the Divine Experiment many people prayed for this boy for healing. When they took him back to the doctor for another consultation and tests the doctor reported that their son’s hearing was now 100%!”
– Platte City, Missouri

“A young girl who was not saved participated in the Divine Experiment with her boyfriend and his family. She began to read the Bible and attend church. But she wasn’t ready to give her heart to Jesus. One night her boyfriend’s stomach hurt from a lingering illness so she layed hands on him and said a quick prayer asking God to heal his stomach. As soon as she prayed his stomach immediately stopped hurting. She knew that this was God’s way of revealing Himself to her and she prayed and gave her heart to Jesus!”
– Platte City, Missouri

“The things that I have fasted from at this time are going to become permanent features of my life. My heart has been permanently changed!”
– Pete, Racine, Wisconsin

“This has been such an encouraging time for me. It has re-kindled my heart to God. My integrity as a man of God was being compromised on a daily basis. Now I feel more sensitive because dullness has left. There’s a heightened awareness of the love of God.”
– Tony, Racine, Wisconsin

‘Bumped into a person whom he smoked crack with in the past and he was able to say “No.” to him and walk away. This was the first time he was able to say “No”.
Charles, Men’s Rescue Mission, Syracuse, New York

“It has been awesome! I tell you we go early in the morning to met the Lord, and you can feel His presence already there and the hunger of some individuals that didn’t know anything about His presence, it is hard to describe so many experiences that we have had. We have seen miracles of healing and deliverance especially with children (many) families, marriage, deliverance of immorality, and a lot of repentance!”
– Rochelle, Illinois

“We prayed last week for a four year old girl and she was set free of many emotional disturbances, nightmares, disobedience and she went to bed when told and slept peacefully the whole night.  The next night at prayer, she had a totally different continence.
-The Wintons, Rochelle, Illinois

“I have had AIDS for some years now (19 years). When I went to the doctor last month there was still AIDS in my body. I went to the doctor today, the 11th day of the Divine Experiment, and they could not find the AIDS in my body!”
– North Omaha

“One man had a brother who was a Vietnam veteran and had suffered for 40 years with dibilitating flashbacks. He had been given so much medicine but nothing helped him. He was invited to one of the early morning prayer meetings where he was prayed for. He was delivered on the spot when he was prayed for! His whole countenance changed.”
– North Omaha

“I have been delivered from fear and anxiety!!! I am not walking around with this knot in my stomach that I have had most of my life (even when on meds). I went off my anti-anxiety meds at the beginning of the 21 day fast. The Anxiety is Gone!”
– Denice, Council Bluffs, Iowa

“There had been a total of 22 salvations during this Divine Experiment!”
– Steve, S. Minneapolis

“I was at the Juvenile Detention Center early this morning and I was meeting with a dozen girls. Praise the Lord, eleven of them prayed for salvation with me. Hallelujah.”
-Yvonne, S. Minneapolis

“A little girl in the first grade was healed from ear problems (she had tubes and possible scaring) but Jesus came in a dream at night and blew in her ear and she is healed.
– Huntington, Indiana

“[A woman] had arthritis in both of her thumbs and that she could not move and that she suffered from a lot of pain from this. When she laid her hands in my hand the Lord instantly healed her! She is now able to move her thumbs without any pain at all as has totally free movement!!!”
– Huntington, Indiana

“The night the congregations were taking responsibility before the Lord and repenting for the sexual immorality in their own lives and in the church, 8 brothels were raided by the FBI literally across the parking lot. It was the largest protestation bust in Minnesota history!”
– S. Minneapolis