Evansville, IN

Evansville, IN

Evansville, IN 150 150 Fusion Norway

As we were preparing the sanctuary earlier that day I could sense the presence of God already in the building. That evening the leaders met in the prayer room prior to service to get our minds focused on His presence. There was a sense of uncertainty yet anticipation as we left the prayer room, then we walked into the sanctuary. Immediately I encountered the presence of the Lord in such force that I was literally stopped in my tracks. The heaviness of God took my breath away and I sensed a holy hush over the entire congregation. One of my church members described it as entering the Holy of Holies.We started the meeting and people began to come to the mic and repent of their pride. All over the sanctuary I could hear the sound of sniffing as the probing presence of the Holy Spirit began to break hearts and move people to repentance.  Confessions came in several waves during the hour and a half encounter, then around 8:25 there was a sudden sense of the lifting of God’s presence and people began to filter out. It was as if the Lord was saying, “I will see you tomorrow night.” I can truly say I have never encountered anything like this. I sense that I and my people will never be the same.

We all (the face to face leaders) decided that we wanted to pray over the sanctuary (we normally pray in the basement in a meeting room.) Here it is day 4, and we all climbed the steps and as we were going upstairs the Lord impressed me that the sanctuary was a holy place and to remove my shoes.  So I was getting ready to suggest this to the other pastors and literally as I am opening my mouth pastor Chet says, “I am removing my shoes.” – so we all took off our shoes. A few minutes later, Chet’s wife Marsha said she was going up the stairs and she was impressed to remove her shoes before going in, and when she got up to the doors she saw all our shoes! You can ask those that were there this morning, the presence of God and the HOLINESS of God was so thick you felt like you were not even supposed to breathe in there.  We walked in and anointed the sanctuary and prayed, some laid on the floor and we just recognized the increase in the presence of God!

Last night God healed my Back!  Tuesday night I was in so much pain it was difficult to sit.  Wednesday night I was healed & tonight I can sit here quiet and rejoice in His presence.

Today a man contacted our church asking for a visit in the hospital, once I talked to him he told me he is an alcoholic and has back slid. He is calling out to God to set him free. He told me that time is short and Christ is coming soon. He has made confession of his sins and has been restored. This first week of silent consecration is showing that the Holy Spirit is reaching out. This is answered prayer for me. We must stand in the gap!

My knee was healed!! Praise God!

I finally see an accurate view of myself and my relationship with God because on Day 6 of Face to Face God spoke to me through a man and told me how He sees me.  For the first time in my 40 years I can see me through God’s eyes.This Face To Face was the most life changing thing in my life except when I first accepted Christ into my life.

A least 6 people were healed while we prayed Sunday.  2 people had leg pain, one of which was recovering from surgery and taking pain medications.  While we prayed the pain left and no pain medications have been needed since.  1 back was healed, 1 hip was healed, 1 stomach was healed while we prayed, 1 young girl came forward with an ear infection and while she was waiting to be prayed over, God healed her ear.  Many others came forward and were ministered to. God’s power was abundantly evident.  These are just the healings we know about.  We are expecting to hear more reports.

My soul is being healed, but He isn’t stopping there. He is healing me body AND soul.