Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C. 150 150 Fusion Ministries

I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 29. I was also pregnant with my son. I prayed and my family prayed for me. I went to my church and Pastor and the Elders of the church laid hands on me and prayed for me. I am a 14-year survivor of breast cancer. Me and my son, Malik, are doing fine. Through prayer and my belief in God I am here to give my testimony.

Deliverance Father God – deliver me from anger thank you God! Hallelujah. Father God – deliver me from gossip, thank you God! I was tested 3 times I did not open my mouth! Hallelujah!

As I have released strongholds and asked God for forgiveness I have a new outlook on life. I now live life with excitement. I wake up talking to God and I am becoming better at staying focused. The biggest thing I had to deal with was humbling myself before God. I was arrogant and did not see that I was considering myself to be better than others. It took me this week of service to realize these areas of my life that I was weak in.

After coming on Monday night I went home and turned off my TV in obedience to God. That night I tossed and turned and my mind was filled with thoughts not all so good. I prayed all night asking God for forgiveness and to help me have the mind of Jesus. The next morning I got up, read the lesson and got down on my knees and prayed to God for about 20 minutes. After that I began to rush about cooking dinner for that night and even began to clean the house before preparing to go to work. I found I had spent about 2 hours cooking and cleaning before getting into the shower. It was while I was in the shower that the Holy Spirit spoke to me saying, “I called you to be like Mary at my feet and not like Martha running around cooking and cleaning. I realized at that moment I was not worshipping God as I should and I repented. I thanked God because He made me see the real me, a selfish, ungrateful person. I promised God I would pray more and read more of His word. I have surrendered to Him. Here am I Lord, do what you want to this temple, it is yours. Use me Lord.

This is the 4th day God showed me that he cradles me like a newborn and takes care of all of my needs from start to finish with total and complete love according to His riches in glory. He is not just my Father, He is my heavenly Daddy, my ABBA. Amen

As early as the first day, God has been answering my request to show me what is next in my life. I asked for a supernatural thrust into what is next. God has revealed something every day to me and my wife. I am so excited. Praise Him!

I finally feel free. I ate from God’s table. God’s holy word, All that anger I was experiencing has left me. Praise God. He is so faithful.

This week God has given me peace within myself and with my husband. I am no longer anxious for anything. I feel, see and know that I remain in the arms of my father in Heaven without Him I can do nothing. I seek Him first.

I no longer worship my weekly paycheck nor do I depend on the world to take care of my needs and cares! Thank you God!

I feel more at peace and patient during the fast. Received a job (great!) Prayed with my sister. Greater sense of confidence. Praise God!

Tonight God showed me I’ve never been alone with the things I’ve been through as a woman in my life. I will confess that God broke the chains of bondage in my life.

I remember my first attendance was full of guilt, sadness, and unworthiness. I couldn’t stop crying and it wasn’t until now I realized that God was breaking down my old self in order for me to seek Him out in a new life. The second day I attended, I will always remember this, I couldn’t stop smiling. I was pretty shocked at that because this feeling of joy and happiness felt so weird. It was as if the Holy Spirit and the presence of God was around and within me. The first week I tried to be so humble towards other people and so patient. I was amazed I was actually doing these things even though some moments it was hard, I kept pushing through. I even started fasting which I’m proud to say I’m happy I’m doing it. I never wholeheartedly fasted in my life but I did this for myself to not only prove I can do it but to seek the face of God without any “distractions.” Second week at Embassy Church, I remember I had to confess before the cross not only for me, but to act as a message and show the ones I love that God has done so much in my life! I love doing my devotions and felt a stronger intimacy with Him for everything to me. I thank God for these 21 days for it has truly opened my senses for having that loving relationship with Him. I just wanted to thank God for blessing our leaders for allowing us the opportunity to experience this love for Him.

Thursday night the young man told God that he now understands that God loves him. He repented for sitting in church going through the motions and mimicking what other people did, but never seeking God for himself. He said he did not care that people were looking at him or what people thought because he knows that God loves him. He thanked God for loving him and said he now has great joy because of God’s love. He now has the strength to do what he must do; what God has for him to day.

Something is different. There is something powerful in sitting (tarrying, dwelling) with Him and waiting for Him, not rushing, not striving to meet any other deadline, not after any agenda but His. Taking time both personally and corporately to seek His Face. As others have confessed, He has illuminated my thinking and shaken me awake! He has showed me things about my own denial and/or need. And He has confirmed my need to be more compassionate with others. So many people are suffering and going through, yet He is right there willing to meet their every need. If we only cry out to Him in humility and belief, He will “forgive our sins and heal our land.”

The church prayed for us and specifically for women who have gone through abuse, violence, murderous choices. Men asked for forgiveness for the violation of us by other men. Prayer for the breaking of inappropriate soul ties went forth. Thank you God.

He released me from more than 30 years of insidious, intertwined pain from two abortions and a lens on sexuality that has impacted my marriage and ability to conceive children.

Washington D.C.

  • An 8-yr old boy came forward and prayed “Jesus forgive me for watching movies that give me nightmares please take away my nightmares”. On the final night he brought a plastic bag to the altar filled with movies that had given him nightmares and said “I’m giving them to Jesus”.
  • A man who had just been released from prison after 8 years walked past the church the first week of the prayer meetings. A couple coming to service invited him to come in. He came in, walked down the aisle, faced the cross and began to talk to Jesus saying “I’m not a Christian and I don’t know how to pray but I need Your help. I want you to help me.” He gave his heart to the Lord that night.
  • One night, two ladies, both blind took the Metro to come to the prayer meeting. They met a woman on their way and convinced her to join them! She came to the meeting and gave her heart back to Jesus! She stood in front of the cross and said “Lord, I’ve heard about the ‘blind leading the blind’ but here I am!  She rededicated her heart to the Lord!


Thursday night the young man told God that he now understands that God loves him. He repented for sitting in church going through the motions and mimicking what other people did, but never seeking God for himself. He said he did not care that people were looking at him or what people thought because he knows that God loves him. Even though my sin and weaknesses are coming to the surface of consciousness and awareness, I am thankful for this work that has been started in me and look forward to even deeper awaking.”    – Jay

“The Lord has gotten me through the last four days/this week without having any anxiety/panic attacks in the morning before going to work. I have been able to sleep through the night into the morning almost right to the point where my alarm goes off.  This has not happened in a long time. Thank you Lord for providing me grace and protection.” – Lisa

“My wife and I literally had no money and neither one of us was scheduled to get paid until the end of the week. On Monday morning while driving to work the gas light came on, and I had no idea how I was going to pay for gas. Furthermore, I did not know how I was going to do my driving during the week. Later that day, I received a phone call from someone who told me that they had something to give me.

That very morning the Lord spoke to them to give me the exact amount of money needed to pay for gas for the week. Praise the Lord!”  – Michael

“God delivered my husband from drugs and healed my spirit from fear and rejection, this month!! Humility… it is our life line! We praise God for allowing us to walk in His grace of humility. God has restored our marriage relationship and our family is seeking Godly counsel. Amen. Thank You.”
– Benne

“The Lord showed me during the week focused on intimacy, that in the still times with Him, I had become so distrusting of His Presence, I would choose to self sooth on the internet. I would read the news or check Facebook until I fell asleep. But during the media fast I was unable to do these things, and could not avoid the Lord. He used these times to show me areas that I don’t trust Him with and brought me to a place of repentance regarding those things.”    – Christine

“Increased sense of God’s presence- increased hunger for Him- new freedom in hearing His voice- new and deeper sense of Holy Spirit working in and through me. All Good!” – Cathy

‘God gave me a greater desire to be with Him in His presence. I have been praying for this for a while and this 21 days made me do what I have been praying for but always seemed to busy to initiate. I always said, “tomorrow” or “next week.” He showed me all the sin in my heart that I never knew was there. I feel closer to God now. I feel clean and want to start a more intimate relationship with Lord.’
– Patti

I am so grateful that my God is teaching me to let go of my arrogant way of thinking: I don’t need Him in every aspect of my life. Through this week of prayer I’ve learned that I had not surrendered everything to God. So thank you Lord for making me see this, because it is my desire to walk as close to you as I can get. I love you Lord with my whole heart. I want to do your will and your will only Lord.- Anonymous – Beulah Baptist

As I have released strongholds and asked God for forgiveness I have a new outlook on life. I now live life with excitement. I wake up talking to God and I am becoming better at staying focused. The biggest thing I had to deal with was humbling myself before God. I was arrogant and did not see that I was considering myself to be better than others. It took me this week of service to realize these areas of my life that I was weak in.- Heni Sanford – Beulah Baptist

I thank and praise God for releasing so much last night when I prayed to Him. I felt your presence, I felt as if I was in a Holy place and I was standing on Holy ground. I just want to surrender my all to Jesus. I thank God for forgiving me of so much pain and hurt that I think I may have caused others. I know I was in the presence of God tonight and each night I have been here.
– Ann Hamilton-Jones – Beulah Baptist

I no longer worship my weekly paycheck nor do I depend on the world to take care of my needs and cares! Thank you God!   – Maurice – NVKLC

Received a job!  – Anonymous

I remember my first attendance was full of guilt, sadness, and unworthiness. I couldn’t stop crying and it wasn’t until now I realized that God was breaking down my old self in order for me to seek Him out in a new life.   – Anonymous