Manchester “City of Hope” Kentucky – June 2011

Manchester “City of Hope” Kentucky – June 2011

Manchester “City of Hope” Kentucky – June 2011 181 173 Fusion Norway

Doug and Linda Abner and I standing by the banner marking the catalytic march

 that led to the transformation of the community of Manchester, KY

For the past seven years this small community of 2,200 has been interviewed by dozens of news agencies, their story appearing on CBN, MSNBC, CNN, The Associated Press, Nightline, etc. Hundreds of people have been traveling uninvited to see what the Lord has done and thousands have watched the story on the transformation documentary “Appalachian Dawn” (produced by the The Sentinel Group).

I finally had the opportunity to visit Manchester to experience the transformation for myself.  After 11 years of laboring in our nation for transformation I was not disappointed! Many of us have wondered if this day would ever come – could the United States experience supernatural, presence-based transformation?

The Manchester, Kentucky story is a powerful testimony that embodies the same characteristics and process of transformation that has occurred in the non-western world. God required the same from the people of Manchester as He has from every other community that has attracted His transforming presence – to humble ourselves, seek God’s face and turn from our wicked ways. Then, the Lord promises  “I will hear your prayer, forgive your sin and heal your land” (2 Chron. 7:14). They were desperate and in their desperation they cried out to the Lord and abandoned themselves to the transformation process.

Read more here – Kentucky newsletter