I joined 10 other ministry leaders to spend a week together with George Otis, Jr. to pray, fellowship and seek the Lord about transformation in North America. We had an amazing time! The fellowship was great, we laughed, shared and prayed together in addition to meeting for almost 12 hours every day. It was intense but awesome!
Rhonda & George Otis, Jr.
The Lord was really with us, it was a strategic time to seek the Lord as to how our ministries could increase our focus and resources on transformation in our nation. By the end of the week a new fellowship was formed. We are now on our way to releasing a new “voice” for presence-based transformation activity in the United States! You’ll hear more in the coming months.
One of the highlights for my time at the retreat was spending time with Doug and Linda Abner from Manchester, Kentucky, the first transformed community in the USA. They are incredible people and have so much to share about what the Lord has done! Their story is one of humility, desperation, prayer and divine intervention! For more information get the DVD on our website “An Appalachian Dawn”.
Read more here – newsletter March 2011