After Monday night when surrendering to the Lord, He set me free on Day 2! Doors just started opening everywhere. I went I was truly clean inside and out. Pastor Robinson and I helped a husband and wife get off the streets. My wife and I praised God together. God is good!
By the end of day 1 I am experiencing a new peace in my heart. A tangible peace in my home by day 2 and in my body, I am experiencing healing from inflammation in my gastrointestinal system. Day 3 setting me free from seeking approval! Praise the Lord! God is much bigger than we know!
I repented last night of carrying the weight on my own strength of the needs of the children of Madison County the Lord revealed a place for me to minister to children and helpers also.” Thank God for answering prayer!
Last night I prayed and repented about not seeing my kids in Detroit. Now, all day yesterday my pastor and I were helping God’s people. I gave lady money for food at Marsh I gave a man and his wife money for dinner now after I came here and prayed about my kids in Detroit. They (my daughter) called me today and said “daddy, I want to come see you this weekend or next and I will bring my brothers. Last night, after I gave all my money to help other there was a man and his wife. He stopped at the door and he said God told me to give you this money and, it was what I gave out to others. God is doing a great work and it’s only been two day’s so far.
My wife and I have always had a good relationship (23 yrs) But, today, like never before, while we were having dinner I saw her differently, I can’t explain it in words I saw with a different love and affection than before. Thank you Lord for helping me to see her as you do. Praise the name of Jesus!
I suffer from arthritis, specifically in my neck. I have had a herniated disc in my neck that caused much pain, especially whenever I looked down for long periods of time and when I turned my head certain ways. The pain was almost always there, nagging me. I didn’t really pray for relief from it much. But after bring in the consecrated prayer; I realized just yesterday my pain is gone! Alleluia! Is the disc still herniated? I don’t know but my pain has been relieved! Praise God!
So blessed to feel set free of so many burdens and so thankful to be bonded with Christ with new brother and sisters in Christ!
My devotional for the day was John 7:38, after I left prayer I contacted a new customer to follow up on his order I had called on him for 2 years without him even meeting then he requested meeting and became a client. We found out we are both Christians. I invited him to pray each day especially John 7:38. I have wanted to feel the power of the Holy Spirit, just as I did in Guyana, but, had not felt it as strongly during the consecration. I now know my meeting with him was much more than a new customer. It just showed me that God is in control of my life. A) I received a new customer, B) I want a brother in Christ, C) and the fact we both had the same verse that day was not a coincidence, at a time when I was seeking His face.
As our leaders prayed in preparation for our Day 15 consecration prayer meeting; the Holy Spirit swept over me in waves of love and an almost electric feel flooding my soul. I came to prayer tonight DESPARATE for God’s presence! I am so overflowing with joy and peace it is indescribable! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!
I’m very humble at this point. God has been showing me sins that I have forgotten about, that I need to confess with my mouth. My wife and I are closer; I don’t have to know everything. We have been together for 16 years, and I now know she is my best friend. I did not see this in the past. I thought I had to be worldly strong and things had to be my way. But, I see clearer now. All I’m saying is this repenting is what we need. I am free one day at a time. It also, hurts I feel alone, but, only Jesus knows.
2007 – Anderson, IN
The sister of one of our staff members had a portion of her kidney removed due to cancer. Two months later she began to have complications. Just as the doctors were going to have to take drastic measures, the problem was corrected – she was healed and is doing fine now. Thank you Lord.
On May13th, mother’s day, we had an interesting service…after worship I felt a burden to pray for the sons of three mothers in the church who are paralyzed….I know for sure two are from the waist down. One of the mothers was visiting from Oklahoma and as I prayed for her son I was impressed to have her put her hands in my hand I believed that the healing anointing would be transferred so when she have gotten back home she could then play hand on her son and release the healing anointing into his body. Little did I know she needed healing also and while she had her hands in my hand the Lord began to minister healing to her personally. She later told me that she had arthritis in both of her thumbs and that she could not move and that she suffered from a lot of pain from this. When she laid her hands in my hand the Lord instantly healed her! She is now able to move her thumbs without any pain at all as has totally free movement!!!
A pastor said that they turned off the TV all three weeks. Now they read the Word with a new hunger.
One man said thank you to the Lord for the broken back of pride.
A pastor has been so blessed by the morning prayer gatherings. The tangible presence of God manifests in the room they are meeting in.
*During this time her teenage son has been reading more of the Bible which is being seen by his unsaved father. God was also working in this teen’s heart at the altar this past Sunday.
*Told how God was working in our Children’s Church this past Sunday. Several weeks ago a little girl in the first grade was healed from ear problems (she had tubes and possible scaring) but Jesus came in a dream at night and blew in her ear and she is healed. This past Sunday she was praying for another child who had ear problems.
From individuals from Anderson from the first week of their Divine Experiment
* One person received a new van after three days in the process.
* One lady had health problems – hard time breathing. She hasn’t used the inhaler for 2 days now. She learned: Don’t point fingers and judge.
* One lady was a gambler [$100/week bingo player]. God spoke to her of His love. She has been free all week from not gambling.
* A man drives back & forth into Indianapolis to work from the Anderson area. He was getting upset with people the way they drove around him, since his accident. He asked God to help him see the people the way he does. God said to him, “That’s mine.” Since an auto accident, he has been taking medicine for his hand. When he started fasting, He helped him through the whole day fasting, and didn’t need his medicine or food either.
* A man’s son has wanted family devotions since his son was small. They now started the family devotions, and they really love them. It started a revival in the father’s heart.
* A lady has smoked for 50 years. This is her 7th day without smoking.
* A man smoked for almost 20 years, and he hasn’t smoked now for 9 days. He has asthma and has to use inhalers, medicine, breathing machine, and has tubes put into his lungs to drain his lungs at times. He now hasn’t had any need for any of those things for over a week. He also stopped drinking his Mountain Dew. He used to drink a 24-pack in 2 days.
* A lady and her daughter have always had a conflict. There has been no conflict this week. They have talked, and her daughter gave her a hug saying, “Mom, I don’t know what’s happening, but it’s great.”
* A pastor said that he realized that he had to get discipline in his early morning prayer/devotion time. He has a renewed passion to have his early morning prayer time now.
* A pastor said that the Lord is working in him for “more desperation for Him.”
* A man’s fast was to cut off the TV and radio. God said to him that He would entertain him Himself. They are family devotions every night, and they end up laughing at the end of the devotions. It a neat thing the way God is entertaining them, he says.
* A lady took the hand of a man of a different ethic group. She wanted to repent for prejudices that she has had, and that her ancestors have had. She wants to learn about the different cultures.
* A man said that when he was fasting, he got a headache, stomachache, foot ache… everything ached. He was trying so hard, and God helped him fast.
* A pastor says that he leads pastor’s prayer in the city, & his heart is after transformation and doing all he can for revival. When he thought about needing to humble himself and pray during this time with the Divine Experiment, he thought that he was OK, since he does it all the time anyway. The Lord showed him that he was really in pride and resisting the deeper part of going into the Holy Spirit. The Lord pointed out his self-centeredness. A hardness has fallen off of his heart, and He’s taken him into a deeper place.
* A man said that at one time he had surrendered some areas to the Lord – averse and greed. That same temptation came upon him over the weekend, but as he turned to God, He gave him victory. The Lord told him to surrender all to him – not half-hearted surrender. When all pride is surrendered, then he can walk in the fullness of life, and be used by Him.
* A lady repented before her church congregation for backbiting, gossip, and keeping anyone from wanting to do anything in the church.
* One man said that God wants to teach “balance” to him. He also believes that he should get “bloody” with the devil and not sugar-coat it.